Jesus Paid it all

Jesus Paid it all

LOVE each other but stop justifying wrong actions and decisions

LOVE People but never compromise the WORD OF GOD

In the name of LOVE we cannot afford to compromise and dilute the WORD of GOD.
We Love people but we would never agree with the sinful life style against the word of GOD. Let’s say I have some short comings or secret sins in my life instead of acknowledging it, I justify my actions; I lie and try to alter the WORD of GOD. Just because I lie at times, I would never say lying is fine (chalta hai bhai!) No it doesn’t work out that way. We need to choose God’s Word above all.
You and I need to acknowledge our issues or wrong actions before GOD and try to work on it, instead of justifying it. If we stop giving excuses and seek HOLY SPIRIT’s help we would surely come out of it.

Just because we attend a church that teaches (all unscriptural doctrines) infant baptism is fine and there is no water immersion baptism, there is no tongues and Baptism of the Holy spirit, God’s will to make you sick to teach you something etc,. doesn’t mean that this church is fine. 
Truth is  we attend wrong church and we need to quit justifying it. Love everyone but don’t mess with the WORD. If you want to continue with the church keep going there but please don’t say that their practices are good and fine in accordance with the WORD.

Remember TRUTH is TRUTH it is not relative!!!!!!!!

Dowry is a dowry ...doesn't matter who takes it....

Let us learn to stop justifying our sins and wrong decisions. Seek God’s help to come out of it even as we grow in the LORD. GOD Loves us and wants us to change everyday.

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