Jesus Paid it all

Jesus Paid it all

LOVE an excellent way!!!!!!

LOVE doesn't mean to follow the wrong ways

Paul says in I CORINTHIANS 13 – Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part.
JOHN 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man loves me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. 24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father’s which sent me.

I don’t claim to know everything and neither accuse or get upset with others for differing with me in anything. Bible gives us a message that Our GOD is a GOOD GOD and Good all the time. Scriptures also tells us that GOD is LOVE. 
YESHUA commands us in John chap 13:34 To Love one another and then in I John it is written that He who doesn’t love his brother whom he sees how can he love GOD whom he can’t see. YESHUA encapsulates the whole LAW in two commands LOVE your GOD and LOVE PEOPLE who are created in the image of GOD.
Now we need to understand that when we talk about loving people , we Christians are far behind compared to non christians. Actually, there are so many non believers who love people more than us even they love animals. But how are we Christians supposed to be different.
Yeshua summarized the Law in two commandments in Matthew 22:37-40
1.       Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment.

2.     And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
So as a believer I am suppose to LOVE GOD which would lead me to HIS WORD, which in turn would take me to the commandment to LOVE people and now I choose to OBEY and LOVE my neighbor (everyone).
So far so good. John 3:16 shows us that GOD loves everyone but not everyone receives eternal life. Believing in the son of GOD is a choice. Now if I say I love everyone so I would follow their ways also even if there is no eternal life in them, even if they are not in line with GOD’s WORD, this would be a stupidity for us.
I am suppose to LOVE people, but not follow their ways or follow their doctrines which are not in line with GOD’s WORD. You see I can love a pagan worshipper but I am not suppose to follow his practices. Exodus 23:24 says “Don’t follow their practices”.
Now some simple questions for me.
Do I love Non Christians?
Of course, yes. I love them with the best of my ability(with the LOVE of GOD in my heart poured by the HOLY SPIRIT) and ask GOD every day to release more and more love in my heart for them; however I would never choose to follow their religious practices.
Do I love Catholics? Do I love Christians from different denominations CSI/CNI/Pentecostal/Brethren?
Of course, yes. I love catholic people; in fact one of my best friends is catholic. My forefathers were a part of CNI denomination, my aunties and Uncles are a part of CNI denomination. My parents and I come from Pentecostal back ground. I Love everyone but I would rather choose to follow GOD than any made religion or dogma.

What are you trying to say Bro. Rahul?
Simple, Let us Stop following men and their unscriptural dogmas, start following GOD alone, HIS WORD and the SPIRIT of GOD.
Let us Desire GOD more than anything else in the world. Let not our Jobs, ambitions or even our family become our priority. Let GOD alone and HIS WORD be our desire and priority.

Remember Gifts are free but rewards come with hard work.

Christlikeness OR a Massive Ministry Mentality? Question posed by the most Gentle person - THE HOLY SPIRIT

Apostle Pauls says

Romans 8:26-30 says
26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the SPIRIT itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. 27 And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because HE maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. 28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. 29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.
HOLY SPIRIT has given us a CLEAR MANDATE through the scriptures that primarily we need to conform ourselves in the image of YESHUA the son of GOD- first born of all brethren. You see at the time of our NEW BIRTH we received the Righteousness and Holiness of GOD in our SPIRITS  Ephesian 4 23 be renewed in the spirit of your mind; 24 and that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. NOW our (HUMAN) SPIRIT is saved. Colossians 2:10 You are complete in him.
YESHUA has not only forgiven our sins past, present and future, HE completely destroyed our SIN NATURE. INEXCHANGE HE gave us his righteous and Holy Nature in our spirits. Because the SIN NATURE has been destroyed, we are not left with any excuse as to why we still live in sin.
We need to understand that we are a Spirit, we have a soul and live in a body. GOD gave NEW BIRTH in our spirit, but our SOUL is still the same. So we have been asked to renew our SOUL every day, in other word- Paul says (Philippians2:12) Work out your salvation and that we can do in our souls not in our spirit. Again he says in Romans 12:2 be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. AND again in Ephesians he saysPUT on the NEW MAN (your SPIRIT NATURE) in your soul.
I do believe that a primary calling for all of us is to make disciples according to Matthew28 however only a disciple can make disciples. Jesus said you are the light of the world. I also believe that GOD has given MINISTRY OFFICES for the edification of the church, not to gratify ones desires or fulfill personal agendas. In the last few decades, Enemy has been successful in creeping into the minds of the people that MINISTRY is the top most priority, that’s a lie. You see there is a difference in making disciples and owning a MINISTRY.
MINISTRY should be an outcome of our relationship with GOD; our relationship should never be calibrated on the basis of our ministry. Common Man always looks at the MAN OF GOD instead of looking at the GOD OF MAN, that is a deception. Immature character and fleshy desires would dream for a BIG MINISTRY but the one who love GOD sincerely and are led by the spirit would primarily focus on conforming in to the image of YESHUA. It is possible that we might be involved in ministry and still end up here when the RAPTURE takes place according to Matthew 7:21,22, 23( Healing, Casting out demons and miracle ministry etc)  Jesus says because you have not done the WILL OF THE FATHER. Today there is so much chaos in the Ministry world (I mean BIG guys around the world). Merchandisers have been raised by the enemy, Families are being destroyed and separated, church needs to rise up in the SPIRIT and confront it.
It is very logical and easy you see, If we have been or being conformed in the image of YESHUA and doing the WILL of GOD on a continual basis , SPIRIT of GOD would surely train us and then release us into MINISTRY, having said this we must remember we are the sons of GOD and disciples of YESHUA, first. Let’s focus on the Unconditional LOVE OF GOD and make disciples, not only by preaching and teaching but also by our character i.e (victory over hidden sins) and LOVE.
Lastly check out this Maturity Model. GOD has called each one of us with a purpose and with different callings which also includes our ministry. Wait in the presence of the LORD- Pray in the spirit and Meditate upon his word and continue to worship and use the tools God has provided us to be conform in the image of YESHUA.

LOVE each other but stop justifying wrong actions and decisions

LOVE People but never compromise the WORD OF GOD

In the name of LOVE we cannot afford to compromise and dilute the WORD of GOD.
We Love people but we would never agree with the sinful life style against the word of GOD. Let’s say I have some short comings or secret sins in my life instead of acknowledging it, I justify my actions; I lie and try to alter the WORD of GOD. Just because I lie at times, I would never say lying is fine (chalta hai bhai!) No it doesn’t work out that way. We need to choose God’s Word above all.
You and I need to acknowledge our issues or wrong actions before GOD and try to work on it, instead of justifying it. If we stop giving excuses and seek HOLY SPIRIT’s help we would surely come out of it.

Just because we attend a church that teaches (all unscriptural doctrines) infant baptism is fine and there is no water immersion baptism, there is no tongues and Baptism of the Holy spirit, God’s will to make you sick to teach you something etc,. doesn’t mean that this church is fine. 
Truth is  we attend wrong church and we need to quit justifying it. Love everyone but don’t mess with the WORD. If you want to continue with the church keep going there but please don’t say that their practices are good and fine in accordance with the WORD.

Remember TRUTH is TRUTH it is not relative!!!!!!!!

Dowry is a dowry ...doesn't matter who takes it....

Let us learn to stop justifying our sins and wrong decisions. Seek God’s help to come out of it even as we grow in the LORD. GOD Loves us and wants us to change everyday.

Beware of Radical Grace Messages

Beware of so called Radical (or Promiscuous ) or a False Grace Messages which are 97% same as that of what you would find in this blog or from the believers and preachers who believe in the Finished work of the Cross along with the whole counsel of GOD in terms of Doctrine. Though the difference is (3%) very less but good enough for us to end up in HELL.

We love grace Preachers but we are against the unscriptural messages they preach.
Grace preachers are wonderful and anointed with revelation knowledge of GOD's WORD, can show you Jesus in any old testament scriptures. Teach and preach on the Finished work of the Cross even teach on Tongues, Holy living and above all LOVE. However, they Focus so much on the False Grace which covers  all SINS even if we do it willingly and don't acknowledge it. Also add, that we don't need to ask for forgiveness and repent for our sins as we have been saved once and for all.

NOTE - I agree that we don't need to be sin conscious all the time, however repentance and asking for the forgiveness of sins are very scriptural and should be done to receive forgiveness according to I John 1,2.

Desire GOD's WORD above all and LOVE one another

I John 4: 16 GOD is LOVE. 20 If anyone says, `I love God', and he hates his brother, he is telling a lie. If he does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?
BUT why such a Loving GOD is so strict in regards to Obedience. It is true Mercy reigns over sacrifice Matthew 9:13 But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. However Obedience is something which GOD expects from us. I Samuel 15:22 Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.
Most challenging scripture for all of us, no matter what denomination we associate ourselves with. According to Matthew 7:21, 22,23 21 Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
It’s high time we need to revisit our belief systems. Why do we believe what we believe?
At the beginning of human history, in the Garden of Eden, God made it clear: Eat from this tree and you live; eat from that tree and you will die (see Gen. 2:15-17). His words to Adam and Eve were not suggestions or ideas; they were the difference between life and death. When God called Abram to leave his father’s house, his response determined whether or not he would experience eternal separation from God. His life was dependent on his response to the call of God (see Gen. 12:1-3). In the wilderness, God made it clear to the children of Israel that the only way to inherit the promises given to their forefather Abraham was through learning to live by every word that came from the mouth of God (see Deut. 8:3). The Word of God isn’t casual and it isn’t an option. It is everything.
To whom shall I speak and give warning, that they may hear? Indeed their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot give heed. Behold, the word of the Lord is a reproach to them; they have no delight in it (Jeremiah 6:10).
God has always been looking for those to whom He can speak, those who will hear Him and live. When Jeremiah wrote these words, Jerusalem was on the brink of destruction. The Babylonian invasion was around the corner, yet the people of the day were blind to their peril. A century earlier the northern tribes of Israel were defeated and dispersed in a season of judgment, but Judah was miraculously spared. Because of this previous divine intervention, the people were convinced that God would spare them again. They were confident in their nationalistic pride while the religious leaders of the day bolstered their confidence further by declaring that God would defend His Temple.

Let us Desire God’s WORD more than anything. We have not seen Jesus in physical form. His word and JESUS are same. If we say we have desire for GOD and do not desire his WORD ,respect and honor GOD’s WORD above all and everything  then we are in trouble. Let the LOVE of GOD help us to rise up and create an hunger and thirst for HIS everlasting WORD.

Greatest Testimony of all times

•Jesus became sin for my sake and offered himself as a sin offering.
•Jesus has not only forgiven my sins, he has completely destroyed the SIN Nature in ME.(I never said we don't sin however the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death).I have no excuse to live a lifestyle of a sinner.
•Jesus gave me his Righteous and Holy NATURE- New Birth, Eternal Life.
•God the Father sent his HOLY SPIRIT to live inside of me, to be my Teacher and Comforter.
•And All this happened because of GOD’s LOVE for me.

•So now I am worthy and righteous because of what Jesus did for me on the cross and during  those three days in the inner parts of the earth.
•I am forgiven, I am holy , I am righteous and I am a son of GOD.
•What was lost by the first ADAM in the garden of Eden has now been restored by the second ADAM at the cross of Calvary.
Having said the above would like to add, " Son is a son even if he leaves the father's house however in that case son ends up his life out of the father's house if he doesn't come back to the father's house while he is alive."

Seek the WILL of GOD , KNOW it and EXECUTE it boy!!!!!!!

Boy I tell you, better start praying in tongues and meditate the WORD as much as possible.......Its High time we better start digging into the plans of GOD for our lives. Till now we are trying to fix are issues by faith and busy around the things of the world. Let me encourage you that Yeshua has already done everything for you and I. We need to seek the Kingdom and HIS Righteousness NOW. There is no harm in using our faith to receive the things which Jesus has already provided but that is first stage. As a maturing sons of GOD we need to get in the spirit realm and move in the higher dimensions of GOD.

Don't just wait and think that GOD will fulfill his plans just like way boy ........It's you who need to seek the will of GOD and then know it. Once you know the plan, execute it as an obedient son of GOD.

MORE TO COME..........Keep praying in tongues and meditate the WORD EVEN AS YOU CONFORM INTO THE CHARACTER OF JESUS.

Sowing and Reaping its not ONLY about Prosperity, DUDE!!!!!!

Sowing and Reaping its not ONLY about Prosperity, DUDE!!!!!!

Whatever we sow, so shall we reap, this is the law of Nature created by GOD from the beginning of times. GOD sowed his son,so he reaped so many sons. It is true DAVID was an Anointed KING, he sowed both good and bad and he reaped both good and bad. We reap good  because we have sown good, irrespective of our faith in JESUS, otherwise how would non-Christians walk in blessings (don't get me wrong I would clarify it below). We reap bad because we sow bad seeds in our lives, but the problem is that we only talk about good things we have done but never say or even agree that we have done terrible things in our lives while still believing in JESUS. When we reap bad things we easily shed off our responsibility by saying oh may be GOD is testing me or it is a will of GOD for us may be he wants to teach us by these bad times...rubbish........James tells us clearly, GOD never tempts.

James 1:13.When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.
17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. 18 He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.


For law of the spirit of life in christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death.

You know it is very easy for us to say that we have sinned or we are sinners making it very generic, sounds very holy holy, where in the matter of fact is sin nature has already been removed from us and the nature of Christ now lives in our spirit. We are a new creation in Christ Jesus. We are a son of GOD, we have the spirit of son-ship. Holy Spirit lives in us. But when it comes to be specific with our bad works or sin or mistakes, we never agree and say with our mouth that we have done this specific thing wrong...for example if we hurt someone with our words, people who have witnessed the event know that we have done wrong, GOD knows we have done wrong but we would never agree in in front of the people that we have insulted this person and have hurt him who has been made in the image of GOD. 

I Still believe that every good gift comes from GOD.

Bible Clearly tells us in Ephesians that GOD has already blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places through Christ Jesus. Yeshua said while hung on the cross "IT IS DONE!" If Jesus said it is done then it is all we need to do is to receive what HE has already done. Our good works doesn't bring the blessings of GOD however the bad works or sins hinder to receive from GOD what Jesus has already provided.

So lets be open and expose our works of darkness by the Power of the spirit. If we have spoken the words of pride in front of people then we need to seek forgiven from GOD but then we also need to agree infront of people that we spoke the words of ego or pride, repent before GOD and people, this would nullify the reaping of bad works and we would grow in grace. You see it's very easy to say GOD i am sorry please forgive me, but very difficult to say in front of people that we have done this and this thing wrong and it is not according to the word of GOD, or to say sorry and seek forgiveness from the person we have some issues.

I don't ask to confess or tell every thing in front of least those things which even they are aware of and which the HOLY SPIRIT leads you. We must remember if we are wearing red color cap, except for us everyone can see the cap and its color. So don't try to hide like Adam and eve, as they did in the garden of eden. People are watching you, they know everything about you, the moment you expose your works they are disarmed, devil cannot accuse you and I, and we would be able to walk with GOD in clean conscience.

Meditation of God's WORD and Praying in tongues would help us to come to this kind of place where we are willing to leave everything for HIM, who gladly took our sins in his BODY and died on the cross.

Praying in Tongues for extended period of time (Long hours) will edify you to get ready to be purged......

Praying in Tongues for extended period of time (Long hours) will edify you to get ready to be purged......Once we are willing to be purged and allow the HOLY SPIRIT to help us deal with the bad fruits, we are on our way to maturity .......Lets start praying in tongues ( in the Spirit ) for long hours ....Now Praying tongues will pull us up to the place of meditation of WORD OF GOD, Meditation of the LOGOS will produce HOPE and HOPE will act as an anchor to our soul. Eventually Praying in tongues with meditation of GOD's WORD will build us up on our most HOLY FAITH in our spirit man, where we receive RHEMA and RHEMA WORD will produce FAITH ( Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the RHEMA WORD). Lets be aggressive in using these GOD given tools to become mature in the LORD.

Let us Move on and Press in with the Revival!!!!!!

I LOVE the Church of Yeshua Christ .....
I truly and sincerely LOVE the church (of course the people not the system) with the LOVE of GOD and HE has given me the burden and MANDATE for their growth in these last times. NOW I consider myself an (Immature) Disciple of YESHUA HA’ MASHIACH disciplining myself to become a mature one, even as I work towards conforming into the image of Yeshua our LORD in my SOUL(psuche).
Church has always been into transition period ever since the protestant movement started around 1500 AD and will stay in transition from one movement to another until we reach the same standard of the First Century Church. NOW in the beginning of 20th century – 1906 Azusa Street Revival by William Seymour, Pentecostal Movement came into existence and the Pioneers of this Movement preached on the Baptism in the HOLY SPIRIT with an initial evidence of speaking in tongues as one of their revelation teachings and encouraged the church to receive the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT and speak in tongues as in ACT chap 2 (on the Day of Pentecost). Till here all was well, Movement spread faster than any previous movements, all good. Later, the enemy of the church used some of the people and made this movement as a Christian denomination, which was never intended by GOD.

There is no harm in using the word "Pentecostal" however there is no mention of Pentecostal Church in the Bible. Logically speaking, attending Pentecostal church don’t make us Pentecostal. 

Argumentatively speaking, if I am baptized in the HOLY GHOST with speaking in tongues, I am a Pentecostal, even if I don’t attend Pentecostal church.

However, Praying in the Spirit or tongues should be emphasized along with Meditation of God's WORD with LOVE being the CORE of all practices.

We as a CHURCH need to learn and accept the Unconditional LOVE of GOD, and know who WE are in Christ, sonship, CHRISTLIKENESS, speaking in tongues, Knowing GOD etc,.
Religion(Religious Prayers) has replaced GOD, Entertainment has hijacked WORSHIP, Programs have replaced the PRAYING IN THE SPIRIT and the MEDITATION of GOD’s WORD is lost, lastly FASTING is used to move GOD to fulfill our agendas. Fasting doesn't move GOD in anyways, it moves us to remove unbelief and doubt so we can receive from GOD, what he has already given to us through CHRIST JESUS.

We would rather be called a disciple than being tagged with any church system or denomination (Of course we need to be a part of church fellowship).
These are the last days, let’s be sensitive to the voice of the HOLY SPIRIT. HE wants us to become more like JESUS both in CHARACTER and POWER.

BE ready for HIS coming!

Joe asked St Paul the Apostle..Can I pray while riding a bike or in extreme head is covered?

Mary asked we have been asked to pray all the time, then how would I pray when am working, my head is uncovered.......???
Most debatable topic in INDIAN regional churches.
No one except for Regional Indian churches and few catholic orthodox churches lay emphasis on this, argument on (covering of head) in itself has many logical flaws and is not compliant with any logical reasoning.
St Paul’s reply to Joe and Mary:  Read chap 9th, 10th and 11th chapters in context…I did not write the epistles in chapters and verses…you guys marked the chapters and verses.
Let me (Paul) start with my Initial statement with regards to customs in the times I lived in the Middle East.
I have written in I Corinthians 11:16 “But if any man seems to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God.”
In some countries long hair are considered as beauty and in some it is not (In US long hair are as good as short hair in INDIA; African ladies have hair as good as a bald women).

I Corinthians 11:15- But if a woman have long hair; it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering. (We can’t cover our covering – how much long is long and how much short is short? Length is always relative. How much of hair need to be covered?).

Secondly, I advised the church to Pray in the Spirit all the time. Is it possible for a woman to cover her hair full time while praying even at work or at any other places or Is it possible for a man to keep his head uncovered while riding bike or working out in extreme cold regions or season…? You guys are intelligent and have the anointing of the HOLY GHOST, think for yourselves.(If this is not possible then the argument doesn't make sense what so ever. HOLY SPIRIT for sure has made it possible to pray in the spirit all the time).

Paul finally addresses, “I wrote this segment to Corinthians regarding the Divine order in terms of Headship and Provision, but you people have misinterpreted me.”

Finishing statement from Rahul: These cultures have come from ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH as a result of DARK AGES and we still follow them.
Though I (Rahul) still believe if a person who wants to cover the hair, can do it without demeaning or looking down at others who don’t cover their hair.

In doing all this (covering or no covering) if the LOVE OF GOD is not seen in us or the CHARACTER of JESUS is not developed in us then we are no more than hypocrites.(Matthew 7:21, 22, 23).
In today's Christianity, Religious and Regional cultures have hijacked the LOVE, FREEDOM, GRACE, CHRISTLIKENESS and POWER of GOD.


Radical Grace ....A man accepts Jesus as his LORD, walks with him for a week and returns back to his old ways (may be adultery or homosexuality) and leads his whole life in adultery or other sins, then one day killed by his girl friend..........

Where would this man be after death? Will he be SAVED?
Today, There are two main camps in the christian world .One is So called Radical Grace (Once saved always saved) which says YES, he will be saved (as his spirit is saved) and the other one (Salvation lost and Saved and lost again) says NO. There are other camps as well which are better than these two camps.
If I am to share my opinion then I would Neither agree with the first camp's Theology nor fully agree with the second one's theology(am not talking about the Question which has been posed about a man's salvation but about their theology  as the answer can only be yes or no). Both the camps have some level of deception.

Bible says in 1 Corinthians 13:9 For we know in parts and we prophesy in the reality is none of the two camps know the full TRUTH.

Primarily, We need to understand WHO is asking this question? and WHY

Secondly, it is like a child asking his parents standing on the Platform of a railway station, " Mama, how close can I go to the edge of the platform without being hit by a train". Or Putting a heap of burning coals in your lap and asking how long you can keep it without being burned.What do you think a Responsible parents would do know it....and  Is it possible if i put my hands on fire and not burn decide for yourselves.

 I have been a part of both the camps, however NOW I do not stand with them anymore.
Both camps offer us good and bad as well. I don't agree with them because of these kinds of Questions and scenarios and their teachings. So called Radical Grace helps us to understand the message of the  FINISHED work of the cross(Salvation by grace through faith), which the other camp couldn't convey, however with 90% TRUTH and 10% Deception which is more than enough to damage.Second Camp can only match the answers for such types of questions as the one which has been posed ( in yes or no) however doesn't teach us much about our Righteous Nature.

Romans chapter 8 says - NOW, there is NO condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 4:24 Our New Man created after GOD in Righteousness and Holiness.

Second camp still calls (believers) sinner instead of saints which is not in line with the above versus.

So called Radical Grace tells us that we don't have to confess our sins which again is unscriptural according to I John 1:9
Yes, it is true we are saints but then we are still changing or making progression during this we sin and miss many times  and then we need to repent and confess our sins so we may receive forgiveness of sins and the blood of Jesus Christ may cleanse us.

Paul rebukes them to repent in II Corinthians 12
20 For I fear, lest, when I come, I shall not find you such as I would, and that I shall be found unto you such as ye would not: lest there be debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, backbitings, whisperings, swellings, tumults:
21 And lest, when I come again, my God will humble me among you, and that I shall bewail many which have sinned already, and have not repented of the uncleanness and fornication and lasciviousness which they have committed.

I John 2:1,2 My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.

Real GRACE helps us to come boldly before the throne of GRACE and acknowledge sin as sin.

However, I also add that we don't need to be sin conscious all the time instead rely on the GRACE of GOD and be WORD conscious and walk after the Spirit. 

Not being sin conscious doesn't mean i am promoting sin, No God forbid. Never!. I am equally hard on sin as you all are, GOD hates sin but loves the sinner.

Sin damages our lives and we end up in HELL!

Titus 2: 11For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, 12Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; 13Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ;

We need to focus on GRACE so we can change everyday. Paul gives us a solution in Galatians- He says Walk in the Spirit and you would not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

See, in both the camps leadership of the HOLY SPIRIT is missing. Leadership of the Spirit would lead us to have a Complete Lordship of Jesus Christ in our lives.

So, if we walk in the SPIRIT and after our NEW NATURE, we would change every moment of our lives.

In other words my righteousness and holiness or relationship with GOD should not be based on my obedience RATHER My Obedience should be based on my Righteous Nature and my relationship with GOD. (No Where I said we should not obey).

I Obey GOD because I am Righteous, I don't obey him to become see the difference.

It's all about my motivation to Obey GOD .....I don't obey him to become righteous, rather I obey him because I am a son of GOD,  created in Righteousness and Holiness after God's Nature.

GRACE is all about CHANGE, it is (gives) the power to change....Carrying the cross daily by the power of HIS Finished work on the cross, would change us. Grace has taken away our Adamic Nature and made us like the second ADAM ( gave CHRISTLIKE NATURE to our spirits) and now we can work out the salvation which he has already given to us to conform in to the image of Jesus Christ in our soul. 

Now We are not left with any excuse as to why we still stay in sin when the old man died and the root of all sins i.e SIN is cut off and imputed upon Jesus.

Problem with the Radical Grace message is as it is preached today an hearer a room to lead a sloppy life. IT IS A DECEPTIVE Teaching.Eventually this leads to Loose Grace or Promiscuous Grace and believer might end up somewhere else.....

Either I am a son or am not. So a TRUE son would always want to obey his father (It's in his nature to obey his Father and we have the spirit of sonship). There may be struggles one day up another day down ..doesn't matter...but then eventually son would surely be able to overcome as that has been imbibed in to his Nature,but as long as we walk in the leadership of the Spirit. You see, HOLY SPIRIT is willing to go through any hell with you as long as you are willing to change and allow him to change you. 

But premeditated sin will lead us away from GOD.

So, in my Opinion TRUE GRACE helps us to change and bear fruits. Jesus himself said in the book of John you be my disciple and bear fruits. To walk in this Divine GRACE we don't have to be a part of any of these two camps, rather strive to become a mature disciple of YESHUA and bear fruits.

Asking question as it is posed above is childish and am sure no mature believer would ever like to walk in that path.

So Play safe people ..Why to make room for such questions and scenarios.....not our business.... More Grace articles on the way.....

Assimilate the WORD of GOD to Meditate ....Meditate to receive Revelation Knowledge

Bible says in Mathews 13:19 When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart and Luke 24:45 Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures.

Stay Tuned More to come.....