Jesus Paid it all

Jesus Paid it all

"Distortion of TRUTH by the Prosperity Preachers"

If Salvation comes by Christ, If Healing comes by Christ, If peace comes by Christ then why do we still associate Financial prosperity with our giving or sowing of monetary gifts in the ministries???NO GIMMICKS! NO FALSE PROMISES OF 100 FOLD RETURNS! 

Yes, you got it right! We would like to sow the WORD of GOD in its entirety into your lives so you can grow in the LORD and prosper in your lives even as your SOUL prospers. So far you have been made to believe that GOD loves us based on our performance and on our GODLY lifestyle. That is a lie from the pit of HELL! You have been asked to believe that IF YOU GIVE, YOU WILL RECEIVE or GOD WILL BLESS YOU BASED ON YOUR GIVING! This is also a BIG LIE from the pit of HELL.
GOD loves us irrespective of our performance or works (UNCONDITIONAL LOVE- AGAPE LOVE). That is why HE gave HIS ONLY begotten son JESUS CHRIST ( John 3:16). Now I don’t say that we don’t need to live a GODLY Lifestyle, We should and must live a godly lifestyle ( as we have ZOE life "GOD kind of LIFE"), but that should, be a result of GOD’s Love and our relationship with him.
HIS blessings are not based on our performance. He has already blessed us ( Ephesians 1:3). We don’t give in order to receive. We give because we have (abundant BLESSING through CHRIST) been blessed ( Matthew 10:8) . He who was rich in heaven became poor so by his poverty we might become rich (II Corinthians 8:9). Bible says, GOD has already blessed us and given us everything through CHRIST JESUS. Every good thing packed up together, was made available to us by GRACE at the Cross of YESHUA . Everything was made available but we couldn’t receive it until we accepted YESHUA as OUR LORD and SAVIOR by FAITH. NOW the moment we accepted YESHUA as our LORD we were BORN AGAIN and received SALVATION and every promise of GOD became legal for us.
Same goes for the Financial Blessings through CHRIST. Prosperity preachers have distorted the message of GRACE and have turned the ministries into merchandise. But here comes the  the army of like minded believers who believe in the complete authority of the WORD OF GOD and the message of GRACE, that we have been given everything pertaining to GODLINESS and LIFE through CHRIST JESUS ( II Peter 1:3).
It is our responsibility to receive and inherit every promise of GOD by FAITH.
If you have liked or agree with the message and the SPIRIT of GOD has spoken to you then please join this army of like minded people and make a difference in the lives of other believers.
But then as NEW TESTAMENT Believer, you can consult HOLY SPIRIT in this regard and give it in your CHURCH or any other ministry (not ours) which teaches you the WORD....Pleeeeease STOP wasting money on TELE- EVANGELISTS- who lead a life like a HOLLYWOOD STARS or CELEBRITIES.
Please send us an email at and we would send you a free ebook as a gift. (Matthew 10:8).
Stay tuned with us as in the coming days we would  share some other TRUTH'S of GOD’s WORD with you all.


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